"Being a mother and an artist is a whole conversation of it’s own. Well it’s actually more than one conversation. It’s a motherhood-lifetime of thoughts, words, ideas, anguish, conversations, turmoil, joy, overcoming, working through, pondering. And maybe once or two actually getting down to doing some making. So it’s with this motherhood / artist juxtaposition that I’ve realised it doesn’t have to be a fight, a divide – perhaps it can be more a yin / yang. Finding the unbalanced balance, the imperfect perfect. That idea." (Petalplum)
Estas palavras chegam como um mantra nestes dias de pleno Verão (ainda que não pareça) que se fazem a um ritmo mais lento. Mãe a tempo inteiro durante o mês quase todo, o melhor mesmo é abraçar esta lentidão e aproveitar. O trabalho faz-se durante as sestas, e o resto do tempo serve para as brincadeiras, alguns passeios e caminhadas a ritmo de criança.
These words come as a mantra on these full Summer days (even if it doesn't look like it), spent at a slower pace. Full-time mom almost the whole month, the best I can do is embrace this slowness and enjoy. The work gets done during naps, the rest of the time is for play, some trips and walks at a child's rhythm.
Já fui atacada por esses cisnes :-)