Refs: m43, t21, bt06, m79*, m46, p17, bn09, m61, m62, m54, m74
Gosto de desenhar/bordar pássaros, fazem-me lembrar poesia e liberdade! Gosto de todas as espécies, tenho um fraquinho por pinguins, a minha mãe colecciona mochos, e foi por pouco que não me tornei bióloga de aves. No dia-a-dia, adoro vê-los poisar na minha janela e de os ouvir ao fim da tarde. E vocês, têm algum preferido?
I love drawing / embroidering birds, they remind me poetry and freedom! I like all species, have a crush for penguins, my mother collects owls, and I almost became a bird biologist. Daily, I love to see them roosting on my window and hear them in the sunset. What about you, do you have a favorite?
I love drawing / embroidering birds, they remind me poetry and freedom! I like all species, have a crush for penguins, my mother collects owls, and I almost became a bird biologist. Daily, I love to see them roosting on my window and hear them in the sunset. What about you, do you have a favorite?
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Note: Items presented in this post belong to the Archive and are not available, except for those marked with an *.
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