Refs: t03, pc04, av13, bt16 e 17, gr15, bt08, m83, av03, bl31, gr04, t02, cc08, m42

Eduardo wearing hat, gloves and scarf by Mundo Flo.
O Mundo Flo também faz peças para homem, por encomenda. Desde malas, bolsas, gorros e outros acessórios, em tecidos fortes e cores mais neutras, em peças mais discretas ou divertidas, há para todos os gostos. As peças para homem são sempre óptimos desafios!
Mundo Flo also makes items for man, by custom order. Bags, purses, hats and other accessories are made of heavier fabrics and more neutral colors, which can result in more discrete or funnier works, depending on each ones taste. Man items are always great challenges to me!
Mundo Flo also makes items for man, by custom order. Bags, purses, hats and other accessories are made of heavier fabrics and more neutral colors, which can result in more discrete or funnier works, depending on each ones taste. Man items are always great challenges to me!
Nota: Os artigos aqui apresentados pertencem ao Arquivo e não estão disponíveis
Note: Items presented in this post belong to the Archive and are not available
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