Refs: m102*, m55, m56, m74, m87*, m67, t18, m87*, m60
Nas minhas peças gosto de brincar com os pequenos pormenores... nem sempre estão à vista, são por vezes pequenos segredos quase escondidos na peça, que convidam à descoberta por quem a compra, outras vezes são eles que compõem o tema principal. Cada vez mais gosto de primar pelos detalhes e dar um pouco de mim a cada trabalho, fazendo sentir a quem usa Mundo Flo que a sua peça é única e feita com muito carinho e dedicação.
I like to play with small details ... they might not always be in sight, sometimes they're just hidden little secrets inside the work and an invitation to discovery to the person who buys it; other times they make up the main theme. I'm enjoying more and more to excel in the details and somehow put something of myself in each project, and make people who use MundoFlo feel that their items are unique and made with lots of care and dedication.
I like to play with small details ... they might not always be in sight, sometimes they're just hidden little secrets inside the work and an invitation to discovery to the person who buys it; other times they make up the main theme. I'm enjoying more and more to excel in the details and somehow put something of myself in each project, and make people who use MundoFlo feel that their items are unique and made with lots of care and dedication.
Nota: Os artigos aqui apresentados pertencem ao Arquivo e não estão disponíveis, excepto os marcados com *
Note: Items presented in this post belong to the Archive and are not available, except for those marked with an *.
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