Refs:bl14, pm08, gr05, m12, aa03, m45, p35
Esta foi a semana do dia Internacional da Mulher. Dentro de pouco mais de uma semana começa a Primavera e já tivemos alguns dias de sol! Há melhor forma de celebrar do que com flores? Os padrões florais oferecem possibilidades infinitas e nunca são de mais! As flores animam qualquer espaço e trazem vida para dentro de casa. São o produto final da perfeição da Natureza e, talvez por isso, estejam tão presentes nos nossos padrões de beleza.
A Colecção de Primavera/Verão, em que estou agora a trabalhar, promete muitas flores!
This was the week of International Women's Day. In some days, Spring will begin, and we have already had some sunny days! What better way to celebrate than with flowers? Floral patterns offer endless possibilities and are never too much! Flowers brighten any room and bring life into the house. They are the final product of Nature's perfection and maybe that's why they are so present in our beauty standards.
Spring / Summer Collection, that I have been working on, promises lots of flowers!
A Colecção de Primavera/Verão, em que estou agora a trabalhar, promete muitas flores!
This was the week of International Women's Day. In some days, Spring will begin, and we have already had some sunny days! What better way to celebrate than with flowers? Floral patterns offer endless possibilities and are never too much! Flowers brighten any room and bring life into the house. They are the final product of Nature's perfection and maybe that's why they are so present in our beauty standards.
Spring / Summer Collection, that I have been working on, promises lots of flowers!
Nota: Os artigos aqui apresentados pertencem ao Arquivo e não estão disponíveis
Note: Items presented in this post belong to the Archive and are not available
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