Refs. m105, bl73
Este conjunto foi uma encomenda de um grupo de biólogas em Paris, para oferecer a uma colega pela sua defesa de doutoramento (obrigada Clara!). A mala tem duas faces, uma com um feto e outra com um dente-de-leão, que coordena com a bolsinha multi-usos. Segui as sugestões delas e misturei desenhos e combinações de tecidos de outras malas, resultando uma espécie de híbrido. Nada que os biólogos não façam também ;)
This set was a custom order from a group of biologists in Paris, as a gift to a colleague for her doctoral defense (thanks Clara!). The bag has two faces, with a fetus and a dandelion, which matches the multi-purpose pouch. I followed their suggestions and mixed designs and fabric combinations of other bags, resulting in some kind of hybrid. Nothing that biologists don't do ;)
This set was a custom order from a group of biologists in Paris, as a gift to a colleague for her doctoral defense (thanks Clara!). The bag has two faces, with a fetus and a dandelion, which matches the multi-purpose pouch. I followed their suggestions and mixed designs and fabric combinations of other bags, resulting in some kind of hybrid. Nothing that biologists don't do ;)
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