Ref. cs02

Ref.: mb01

Ref.: bb07

Ref.: bb09
Eis mais algumas peças que ainda não estão no Arquivo, o último casaquinho de bebé que terminei há dias (desta vez em fio de linho e Verão para os dias mais quentes) e trabalhos mais antigos que encontrei no meio da confusão: um mobile em feltro e madeira, e dois babetes de menino e menina, respectivamente.
Here are some more items that are not yet archived: the last coat that I knitted some days ago (this time in linen and cotton yarn, for warmer days), and some earlier projects that were found in the confusion: a mobile of felt and wood and two bibs, for a boy and a girl, respectively.
Here are some more items that are not yet archived: the last coat that I knitted some days ago (this time in linen and cotton yarn, for warmer days), and some earlier projects that were found in the confusion: a mobile of felt and wood and two bibs, for a boy and a girl, respectively.
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