Refs.: bl60, m49, bl10, bl55, bt11, m65, bt12, bt10, m08, m44
A classe dos insectos é o grupo do Reino Animal mais bem sucedido e diverso na Terra, com cerca de 1 milhão de espécies identificadas e muitas, muitas mais por identificar. Uns mais exuberantes (borboletas, libelinhas), outros mais úteis e simpáticos (joaninhas e abelhas), e outros definitivamente mais irritantes (moscas e melgas), todos fazem parte do nosso dia-a-dia, e aumentam frequentemente na Primavera. Preferências à parte, gosto de vê-los todos nas minhas peças, bordados ou estampados, claro!
Insects class is the most successful and diverse group of Animal Kingdom on Earth, with about 1 million species identified and many, many more to identify. Some more exuberant (butterflies and dragonflies), others more helpful and friendly (ladybugs and bees), and others definitely more annoying (flies and mosquitoes), they all make part of our day to day, and often increase in Spring. Preferences aside, I like to see them all in my items, embroidered or printed of course!
Insects class is the most successful and diverse group of Animal Kingdom on Earth, with about 1 million species identified and many, many more to identify. Some more exuberant (butterflies and dragonflies), others more helpful and friendly (ladybugs and bees), and others definitely more annoying (flies and mosquitoes), they all make part of our day to day, and often increase in Spring. Preferences aside, I like to see them all in my items, embroidered or printed of course!
Nota: Os artigos aqui apresentados pertencem ao Arquivo e não estão disponíveis. Alguns deles fizeram parte do projecto "Insectário Mundo Flo", que fiz para o XIII Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia (mais aqui e aqui).
Note: Items presented in this post belong to the Archive and are not available. Some of them were part of "Mundo Flo's Insectarium" project I made for the XIII Iberian Congress of Enthomology (more here and here).
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