Refs: m36, m16, pm18, m97*, pm11, p23, bl72, bl65, t26, bb08, m91, m75
Azul-cobalto, azul-turquesa, azul-celeste, azul-bebé, azul-água, azul-cadete, azul-marinho, azul-petróleo, azul-noite, azul-naval, índigo... Uma imensidão de tons de azul, que é uma das cores que mais gosto. Tons mais claros para a Primavera e Verão, trazem alegria e frescura que sabe bem quando o sol começa a aquecer; tons mais escuros para o Outono e Inverno, substituem muitas vezes o preto e podem funcionar lindamente como básicos. Qual é o vosso favorito?
Cobalt, turquoise, sky blue, baby blue, aqua, cadetblue, powderblue, teal, midnight blue, navy blue, indigo ... An immensity of shades of blue, which is one of my favorite colors. Lighter shades for Spring and Summer, bring joy and freshness that feel good when the sun gets warmer; darker shades for Fall and Winter, often replacing black and can work very nicely as basics. Which one is your favorite?
Cobalt, turquoise, sky blue, baby blue, aqua, cadetblue, powderblue, teal, midnight blue, navy blue, indigo ... An immensity of shades of blue, which is one of my favorite colors. Lighter shades for Spring and Summer, bring joy and freshness that feel good when the sun gets warmer; darker shades for Fall and Winter, often replacing black and can work very nicely as basics. Which one is your favorite?
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1 comment:
a minha cor favorita? verde sem dúvida :)
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