Living etc

Polly Wreford (via Automatism)

A primeira coisa em que reparo numa divisão (seja ao vivo ou numa fotografia) é na janela. Talvez por ser dependente de luz natural, as janelas são espaços que, bem decorados, podem transmitir uma imensa tranquilidade (chego mesmo a dar por mim a gostar frequentemente de uma determinada decoração à primeira vista, só porque tem boa luz). Gosto de reparar nos pormenores que as rodeiam nas diversas casas. Cá em casa aproveitamos as janelas para ter as plantas, e também pequenos elementos da natureza que trazemos para casa, pequenos tesouros e todo o tipo de objectos que nos transmitam paz.
The first thing I notice in a room (either live or on a photograph) is the window. Maybe because I depend on natural light, the windows are spaces that, if well decorated, can give me an immense tranquility (I even find myself often liking a decoration at first sight just because it has good light!). I like to notice the details that surround windows at each home. In ours, we use windows to keep our plants, and also to spread some bits of nature we bring inside, small treasures and all sorts of objects that transmit in peace.
The first thing I notice in a room (either live or on a photograph) is the window. Maybe because I depend on natural light, the windows are spaces that, if well decorated, can give me an immense tranquility (I even find myself often liking a decoration at first sight just because it has good light!). I like to notice the details that surround windows at each home. In ours, we use windows to keep our plants, and also to spread some bits of nature we bring inside, small treasures and all sorts of objects that transmit in peace.

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