Lotta Helleberg (Charlottesville, VA - USA))

Yorktown road (Northern California, USA)

Pi' lo (Toronto, Canada)

Paperiaarre (Turku, Finland)
Já repararam que adoro linho? Ah! Mas é uma paixão algo recente, começou com as revistas japonesas há uns anos, e tornou-se um vício depois de experimentar trabalhar com este tecido. De preferência natural, sem branqueamento, ou em tons fortes. Não resisto ao toque rústico intemporal, à excelente qualidade e à versatilidade deste material! Sempre que posso utilizo-o como base do meu trabalho, juntamente com o algodão, e só tenho pena de não ter mais variedade à escolha aqui perto... Já o algodão há-o de todos os tipos, desde o mais fino, para roupa e quilting, ao mais pesado para a casa (o meu favorito). Se vier com linho à mistura, tanto melhor! Se for orgânico, então perfeito! A verdade é que a qualidade compensa, mesmo que o preço seja superior. As peças duram mais, são hipoalergénicas, mais confortáveis e mais amigas do ambiente!
E que tal estas lojas?
Have you noticed that I love linen? Ah! But this is a recent passion, it all began with japanese crafty magazines a few years ago, and it became an addiction after trying to work with this fabric. Preferably natural, with no bleaching, or in bold shades. I can not resist to its rustic timeless feel, to its excellent quality and versatility! Whenever I can, I choose it as the basis of my work, along with cotton, and I'm only sorry that I cannot find more variety for sale nearby... Another thing is cotton, which it is available at all kinds, from the lightest, for clothing and quilting, to the heaviest, for home products (my favorite). If it has some linen on its composition, the better! And if it is organic, just perfect! The truth is that quality pays off, even if the price is higher. Items last longer, are hypoallergenic, more comfortable and environment friendly!
And how about these shops?
E que tal estas lojas?
Have you noticed that I love linen? Ah! But this is a recent passion, it all began with japanese crafty magazines a few years ago, and it became an addiction after trying to work with this fabric. Preferably natural, with no bleaching, or in bold shades. I can not resist to its rustic timeless feel, to its excellent quality and versatility! Whenever I can, I choose it as the basis of my work, along with cotton, and I'm only sorry that I cannot find more variety for sale nearby... Another thing is cotton, which it is available at all kinds, from the lightest, for clothing and quilting, to the heaviest, for home products (my favorite). If it has some linen on its composition, the better! And if it is organic, just perfect! The truth is that quality pays off, even if the price is higher. Items last longer, are hypoallergenic, more comfortable and environment friendly!
And how about these shops?
Thank you for including my work, here in this beautiful spot. I feel lucky to be surrounded by some of my feature etsy artists as well - these women's creations are fantastic.
Such an inspiring group. I love linen too. :-) Thank you.
Arriving here late, but very delighted! Thanks for featuring my work :) I share your passion for linen, it's my absolute favourite fiber. Somehow linen feels so much more real to me than any other material!
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