J. Hannah (Richmond, VA - USA)

Wapa (Moshav Avichail, Israel)

BeanLennon (Oxford, MS - USA)

Botanicraft (Los Angeles, CA - USA)
Esta semana é dedicada ao tempo passado ao ar livre, quer seja à varanda de casa, no jardim, no parque da cidade, no campo ou junto ao mar. O que importa é aproveitar o tempo bom e sair (apesar de, aqui, estar de momento a chover)! Estas lojas estão cheias de acessórios perfeitos para esses momentos de descanso e lazer.
This week is dedicated to the time spent outdoors, either it is your home's balcony, your garden, your town's park, the countryside or by the sea. What really matters is to enjoy the good weather and go out (although it has been rainning today)! These shops are full of accessories that are just perfect for those resting and recreation moments.
This week is dedicated to the time spent outdoors, either it is your home's balcony, your garden, your town's park, the countryside or by the sea. What really matters is to enjoy the good weather and go out (although it has been rainning today)! These shops are full of accessories that are just perfect for those resting and recreation moments.
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