Hermitage (via Creatures Comfort)

Polly Wreford (via Automatism)

Living etc

Marie Claire maison (via Automatism)

Amy Butler's Lacework (via Apartment Therapy)
O papel de parede reporta-me aos ambientes retro e faz-me lembrar a minha casa quando era pequena (tínhamos um papel azul muito giro no hall de entrada e no quarto dos meus pais). Cada vez gosto mais de o ver reinventado actualmente, e os padrões podem ser muito diferentes, mas dão logo uma sensação de conforto e um toque de excentricidade!
Wallpaper reminds me retro environments and my home when I was a child (we used to have a cool blue wallpaper in the hallway and in my parents' room). I'm loving more and more to see wallpapers reinvented in nowadays homes, and patterns can be very different, but they all give me that sense of cozyness and eccentricity!
Wallpaper reminds me retro environments and my home when I was a child (we used to have a cool blue wallpaper in the hallway and in my parents' room). I'm loving more and more to see wallpapers reinvented in nowadays homes, and patterns can be very different, but they all give me that sense of cozyness and eccentricity!
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