Já estão na Loja estes dois sacos grandes, ideais para a praia (e não só). Em tecidos e cores leves, com flores e insectos feitos com restos de tecidos e bordados à máquina, bolso interior e alças compridas o suficiente para transportar ao ombro. Um mais colorido, outro mais sóbrio, para todos os gostos!
P.s: Os preços no Etsy foram actualizados com as taxas de conversão de moeda correntes.
A couple of large bags are already available in the Shop. They're perfect for the beach (and beyond), in light fabrics and colors, with flowers and insects made of leftover fabrics and machine embroidery, inside pocket and handles long enough to carry in your shoulder. One more colorful, the other more sober, for all tastes!
P.s: Os preços no Etsy foram actualizados com as taxas de conversão de moeda correntes.
A couple of large bags are already available in the Shop. They're perfect for the beach (and beyond), in light fabrics and colors, with flowers and insects made of leftover fabrics and machine embroidery, inside pocket and handles long enough to carry in your shoulder. One more colorful, the other more sober, for all tastes!
P.s: Etsy prices have been updated with new currency conversion rates.
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