5 Gardenias Vintage (Buffalo, NY - USA)

Hindsvik (Canada)

Sadie Olive (Orange County, CA - USA)

Modish Vintage (Pacific Northwest, USA)

Looking Glass House (Rochester, NY - USA)

Old Time Pickers (Hills of Kentucky, USA)
O meu interesse por objectos vintage tem vindo a crescer com o tempo, à medida que procuro diminuir o meu consumismo e ter mais consciência daquilo que compro, e também com o surgimento de cada vez mais lojas online, já que em Leiria é difícil encontrar produtos com verdadeiro interesse nas feiras de velharias. O Etsy está cheio de óptimas lojas. Nem sempre os artigos me interessam para compra, e é preciso saber escolher bem, também aqui com consciência do que realmente precisamos, mas é possível encontrar verdadeiros tesouros! E fico muitas vezes maravilhada com a qualidade das fotos e do styling que, só por si, conferem a cada objecto uma história, um passado, e gosto de percorrer cada loja, nem que seja para viajar um pouco no tempo e sonhar!
My interest for vintage items has been growing over time as I try to reduce my consumption and be more aware of what I buy, and also with the emergence of more and more online stores, since in Leiria it is difficult to find products with real interest in flea markets. Etsy is full of great vintage shops. Their items don't always interest me for purchase, and we must be very selective and (here too) conscious of what we really need, but it is possible to find real treasures! And I'm often amazed at the quality of photos and styling which, by themselves, give each object a history, a past. and I like to browse each store, even if it's just to travel in time and dream a little bit!
We truly love and honor the past. It is a reflection of who we are. We agree...everyone needs to be more responsible with their purchases and Esty is a wonderful solution to buy handmade and vintage goods.
beautifully put-- i couldn't agree more. it feels right finding homes for objects which hold a connection to our past and retain wonderful integrity of design, and personality. we live in a throw away culture with so much mass produced junk--i often feel like a match maker for people and wonderful objects. i'm always tickled when someone finds something they love or have been searching for.-- it's my small way of helping to recycle and reuse.
thanks so much for including my shop in this lovely and thoughtful post!
This is such a lovely, well put together post. Thank you for including two of my items!
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