Antes de mais, gostava de agradecer a todas que participaram neste desafio! Não poderia escolher uma, pois todas as vossas palavras me tocaram, me inspiraram e me fizeram querer continuar e correr para o atelier para trabalhar em novas peças! Foi maravilhoso saber que a minha mensagem está a passar, que tenho conseguido transmitir aquilo que sinto, aquilo que vejo na minha cabeça antes de passar para o tecido e para as linhas, e que o meu imaginário afinal existe, em vós! Muito obrigada a todas :)
E parabéns à Sofia, a grande vencedora!
Bom fim-de-semana!
First of all, I would like to thank to everyone who participated on this giveaway! I couldn't pick one, because all your words have touched me, inspired me and made me want to continue and run to my studio to start working on new bags! It is wonderful to know that my message is reaching you, that I've been able to communicate what I feel, what I see in my head before I pass it to fabric and threads, that my imaginary exists, after all, in you! Thank you so much everyone!
And congratulations to Sofia, the big winner!
Have a great weekend!
E parabéns à Sofia, a grande vencedora!
Bom fim-de-semana!
First of all, I would like to thank to everyone who participated on this giveaway! I couldn't pick one, because all your words have touched me, inspired me and made me want to continue and run to my studio to start working on new bags! It is wonderful to know that my message is reaching you, that I've been able to communicate what I feel, what I see in my head before I pass it to fabric and threads, that my imaginary exists, after all, in you! Thank you so much everyone!
And congratulations to Sofia, the big winner!
Have a great weekend!
Parabéns a Sofia!!! E pelo menos consegui nao ser a ultima :D
Parabéns à Sofia :) obrigada pela oportunidade de participar! bjinhos
fiquei com a medalha de bronze?! :D
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