Living etc

Living etc

Living etc

Jenn Cranston's (via Bodie and Fou)

Styling by Susanna Vento (via the style files)

Anna Williams
Anna Williams

Elle decoration (via jeltje fotografie)

1o cent designer
O quarto é a divisão da casa onde nos contivemos mais no que toca à decoração. Gostamos dele simples, o mais clean possível, quase minimalista. As paredes vazias, a escassez de objectos à vista, as linhas direitas, as cores neutras transmitem uma paz que é o que precisamos na hora de dormir e descansar. Mas com isso não quer dizer que a decoração tenha de ser aborrecida ou demasiado austera e fria. É possível criar um ambiente de sonho com detalhes simples, e ainda acolhedor. É o caso destes quartos, que em comum têm a sensação de calma que transmitem, e que são absolutamente deliciosos!
The bedroom is the room in the house where we were more restrained when it comes to decorating. We like it simple, as clean as possible, almost minimalist. Empty walls, very few objects in sight, straight lines, neutral colors give us the peace we need to rest and sleep. But that doesn't mean decoration has to be boring or too austere and cold. You can create a dreamy atmosphere with simple details, and yet cozy. It is the case of these bedrooms, that have in common the sense of calm they give us, and that are absolutely delicious!
The bedroom is the room in the house where we were more restrained when it comes to decorating. We like it simple, as clean as possible, almost minimalist. Empty walls, very few objects in sight, straight lines, neutral colors give us the peace we need to rest and sleep. But that doesn't mean decoration has to be boring or too austere and cold. You can create a dreamy atmosphere with simple details, and yet cozy. It is the case of these bedrooms, that have in common the sense of calm they give us, and that are absolutely delicious!
Oh, what beautiful bedrooms!. We are just about to 'make over' our sanctuary... thankyou for sharing such wonderful inspiration x
great post!!
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