via Mrs. French

DIY lamp by Bookhou (via Poppytalk)

Favorite things lamp by ChenKarlsson (via Bloesem)

Customized IKEA lampshade by Gregory Han (via Apartment Therapy)

Pottery barn

DIY ghost lamp (via Apartment Therapy)

Snug studio (via Decor8)

Hope, by Marta Mendes

Light fixture from coffee cans, by Jamie Reynolds (via Apartment Therapy)
A iluminação é um dos aspectos mais importantes de uma casa, nós valorizamos acima de tudo a luz natural, mas à noite sabe bem ter um ambiente acolhedor e funcional, criando diversas zonas com fins específicos. Depressa percebemos que os candeeiros são objectos com muita personalidade e que, só por si, podem fazer uma grande diferença numa decoração! Por isso gostamos de ver (e tentar) soluções originais que, muitas vezes, são também de uma grande simplicidade.
Lighting is one of the most important aspects of a home, we value above all natural light, but at night it feels good to have a cozy and functional environment with different areas for specific purposes. We quickly realized that lamps are objects with much personality and they alone can make a huge difference in a room's decoration! So we like to see (and try) original solutions, which are often really simple.
Lighting is one of the most important aspects of a home, we value above all natural light, but at night it feels good to have a cozy and functional environment with different areas for specific purposes. We quickly realized that lamps are objects with much personality and they alone can make a huge difference in a room's decoration! So we like to see (and try) original solutions, which are often really simple.

Cá em casa também temos algumas soluções homemade, umas mais simples de executar que outras. Na primeira foto o candeeiro de tecto do quarto foi obra do talento (e paciência) do N. e do meu pai, usando uma base para o tecto adaptada de um candeeiro com 3 focos (removemos os focos e subtituímos pelos novos fios, casquilhos, lâmpadas e abajours). Na 2ª foto, a iluminação de Natal improvisada, com luzes dentro de uma jarra e, na 3ª foto, a versão mais rebuscada para a nossa iluminação pós-natalícia, que manteve o ambiente mágico nas noites de Inverno. Entretanto, andamos a recuperar um candeeiro de pé antigo, que mostrarei em breve!
Here at home we also have some homemade solutions, some easier to make than others. In the first picture, the pendant lamp in the bedroom was the result of the talent (and patience) of N. and my father, using an adapted round base from a 3 light fixture (from which they removed the lamps, and put new wires, lamps and lampshades). In the 2nd photo, it's our improvised Christmas lighting in a jar and, in the 3rd photo, there's a more elaborate version of our post-Christmas lighting, which allowed is to keep the magical atmosphere on winter evenings. Lately, we have been recovering a vintage floor lamp, which I will show you soon!
Here at home we also have some homemade solutions, some easier to make than others. In the first picture, the pendant lamp in the bedroom was the result of the talent (and patience) of N. and my father, using an adapted round base from a 3 light fixture (from which they removed the lamps, and put new wires, lamps and lampshades). In the 2nd photo, it's our improvised Christmas lighting in a jar and, in the 3rd photo, there's a more elaborate version of our post-Christmas lighting, which allowed is to keep the magical atmosphere on winter evenings. Lately, we have been recovering a vintage floor lamp, which I will show you soon!
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