1 - little brown pen , 2 - boobaloo baby, 3 - sharma designs, 4 - pouch

5 - sarah culleton, 6 - RachelleD., 7 - octaviabloom, 8 - rocky top studio

9 - pennywishes, 10 - MagnolijaDRESS, 11 - stuck on vintage, 12 - morninglori
Agosto é o mês das (minhas) férias e quero fazer posts muito descontraídos!
À Quarta-feira vou brincar com as cores e deixar aqui algumas sugestões para algumas das minhas favoritas. Começo com o verde, que é uma das cores a que não consigo resistir. Ultimamente tenho gostado especialmente dos tons da lima, quase tanto como gosto do seu sabor! Sugiro que visitem cada uma destas lojas, vale a pena!
August is the month of (my) vacations and I want to make really relaxed posts! On Wednesdays, I'll be playing with colors and leave here some suggestions for some of my favorites. I start with green, which is one of the color I simply cannot resist. Lately, I've been loving this lime shades, almost as much as I like its taste! I suggest that you visit each one of these shops, it's worth!
August is the month of (my) vacations and I want to make really relaxed posts! On Wednesdays, I'll be playing with colors and leave here some suggestions for some of my favorites. I start with green, which is one of the color I simply cannot resist. Lately, I've been loving this lime shades, almost as much as I like its taste! I suggest that you visit each one of these shops, it's worth!
1 comment:
A lovely collection. Thank you.
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