Living etc

Zoe's (via Design*Sponge)

Paul Massey (via Living etc)

Paul Massey (via Living etc)

Living etc

Living etc

VT Wonen (via style-files)

Living etc

Living etc
Uma das maiores dificuldades que encontrámos cá em casa foi escolher as mesas de cabeceira. São peças pequenas, mas muito caras, e nem sempre ao nosso gosto. Na impossibilidade de comprar umas que verdadeiramente nos agradassem, optámos por duas mesas simples, pretas (para combinar com a mobília do quarto), que resultam muito bem com os candeeiros enormes, redondos e brancos. Ao longo da minha vida já tive várias mesas de cabeceira improvisadas, desde caixas de cartão forradas a tecido, uma coluna de aparelhagem, uma cadeira, um banquinho, nada... e sempre as achei mais interessantes do que as convencionais mesinhas com gaveta. Por isso deixo aqui algumas ideias originais muito inspiradoras.
One of the biggest challenges we found at our home was to choose the bedside tables. These are small pieces but very expensive and not always of our taste. Unable to buy ones that we truly liked, we ended up choosing two simple black tables (to match the bedroom furniture), which work very well with our big round white lamps. Throughout my life I have had several improvised bedside tables, from a packing paper box lined with fabric, an hi-fi column, a chair, a stool, nothing... and I've always found them more interesting than conventional bedside tables with a drawer. So I'm posting some creative and very inspiring ideas.
One of the biggest challenges we found at our home was to choose the bedside tables. These are small pieces but very expensive and not always of our taste. Unable to buy ones that we truly liked, we ended up choosing two simple black tables (to match the bedroom furniture), which work very well with our big round white lamps. Throughout my life I have had several improvised bedside tables, from a packing paper box lined with fabric, an hi-fi column, a chair, a stool, nothing... and I've always found them more interesting than conventional bedside tables with a drawer. So I'm posting some creative and very inspiring ideas.
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