Centsational Girl

Pure Style (via Apartment Therapy)

Ferm Living (via Apartment Therapy)

Photo by Sam McAdam, styling by Lara Hutton (via Homelife)

Photo by Sam McAdam, styling by Lara Hutton (via Homelife)

Violeta from Portugal

Sarah Hardaker


Centsational Girl

Land-Rich (via Apartment Therapy)


Me and Alice (via Decor8)

Me and Alice (via Decor8)

Sköna hem (via Poppytalk)
Nos últimos tempos, demos por nós a trazer pequenos elementos da Natureza dos locais que visitamos, e a pedir a amigos que viajam para destinos distantes para fazerem o mesmo. A nossa colecção de pedrinhas, paus, ramos e folhas tem, por isso, aumentado bastante, e precisava de a fotografar para não esquecer a proveniência de cada elemento. Das férias trouxemos também uma quantidade considerável de pedras que encontrámos pelas praias que visitámos, e precisava de lhes dar um destino melhor do que, simplesmente, acumulá-las. Depois de várias experiências gostei dos resultados e, por curiosidade, fui pesquisar outras ideias possíveis para dispôr elementos da natureza em casa. Este já não é um tópico novo neste blog, pois faço-o regularmente em casa, e está muito presente nas imagens que me inspiram. Desta vez, a ideia foi reunir propostas em que a natureza fosse mesmo a protagonista.
Lately, we've been bringing home small nature found elements from places we've been to, and asking friends who travel to distant places to do the same. That way our collection of little stones, branches and leaves have increased and I needed to photograph it, to register each element 's origin. We also brought a considerable amount of stones found in the beaches we visited during our vacation, and I wanted to give them a better destiny than simply accumulate them. After several experiences, I'm really enjoying the results and went searching for other possible ideas to display nature objects at home. This topic is not new on this blog, I do it regularly at home and it is also present in pictures that inspire me daily. This time, I wanted to gather ideas where Nature is the protagonist.

Our dining/living room

In the studio

Our office


Bathroom window

Out recent stones collection
Lately, we've been bringing home small nature found elements from places we've been to, and asking friends who travel to distant places to do the same. That way our collection of little stones, branches and leaves have increased and I needed to photograph it, to register each element 's origin. We also brought a considerable amount of stones found in the beaches we visited during our vacation, and I wanted to give them a better destiny than simply accumulate them. After several experiences, I'm really enjoying the results and went searching for other possible ideas to display nature objects at home. This topic is not new on this blog, I do it regularly at home and it is also present in pictures that inspire me daily. This time, I wanted to gather ideas where Nature is the protagonist.

Our dining/living room

In the studio

Our office


Bathroom window

Out recent stones collection
1 comment:
Os meus bolsos também transportam muitos tesouros! E agora tenho também um filhote como ajudante na exploração e procura de mais e novos tesouros! ;)
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