1 - strikk, 2 - byrd & belle, 3 - Yes Jess.
4 - nitca, 5 - crafts2cherish, 6 - SGardner
7 - A crooked sixpence, 8 - curly girl crochet, 9 - Gray design
10 - Tiny toadstool, 11 - KnitStorm, 12 - Atelier Afra
Já aqui falei da minha paixão pelas fibras naturais, como o linho e o algodão, mas não podia deixar de falar da lã, que é o material que mais gosto de trabalhar nos dias frios! Aprendi a tricotar e a fazer crochet ainda em criança, e sempre gostei de usar fios, como na tecelagem, e há alguns anos redescobri estas técnicas que, hoje, são o meu yoga. Dá-me um enorme prazer tricotar em noites de Inverno e utilizar acessórios em malha grossa, bem como coser tecidos à base de lã, como o tweed. Hoje em dia há as mais variadas aplicações para este material, que foi reinventado e adaptado aos tempos e ao design moderno. Deixo aqui algumas lojas muito interessantes, com peças feitas em lã usando diversas técnicas, como o tricot, o crochet ou a feltragem. Sempre que as visito apetece-me ir buscar as agulhas!
I've mentioned my passion for natural fibers such as linen and cotton, but I couldn't help talking about wool, which is my favorite material for colder days! I learned to knit and crochet as a child and have always loved to use yarns and weaving, and a few years ago I rediscovered these techniques that, today, are my yoga. It gives me a great pleasure to knit on winter nights, to use chunky knitted accessories and to sew wool based fabrics like tweed. Nowadays, there are several applications for wool, that has been reinvented and adapted to modern times and design.
I leave here some very interesting shops with items made of wool, using various techniques such as knitting, crochet and felting. Anytime I visit them, I feel like getting my needles!
I've mentioned my passion for natural fibers such as linen and cotton, but I couldn't help talking about wool, which is my favorite material for colder days! I learned to knit and crochet as a child and have always loved to use yarns and weaving, and a few years ago I rediscovered these techniques that, today, are my yoga. It gives me a great pleasure to knit on winter nights, to use chunky knitted accessories and to sew wool based fabrics like tweed. Nowadays, there are several applications for wool, that has been reinvented and adapted to modern times and design.
I leave here some very interesting shops with items made of wool, using various techniques such as knitting, crochet and felting. Anytime I visit them, I feel like getting my needles!
These are so gorgeous! I especially love how colorful this mix is for being items for colder weather. There's nothing dreary about the winter with this collection!
Thanks so much for including my Darjeeling Tea Mug Cozy!
loving the collection. thank you for including my cushions - such lovely fellow knitters to be amongst :-)
You've picked a delicious selection of stuff! Needles at the ready, too!
Just lovely! I'm honored to be included, thank you.
-very nice, just love it :)
Thank you so much for including my work in this gorgeous collection. Karen x
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