Skona Hem (via Decor8)

wood & wool stool (via Apartment Therapy)

Living etc

Living etc

Living etc

Living etc

cousas pequenas


Skona Hem

Living etc

DECO Myplace
Adoramos ler, e adoramos livros! Aos poucos vamos aumentando a nossa colecção e sentindo necessidade de ter boas soluções para a sua arrumação. Além da divisão principal destinada aos livros, no nosso caso o escritório, vamos espalhando alguns pela casa, na sala os de decoração, na cozinha os de culinária, no atelier os de costura, no quarto os que estamos a ler e aqueles a que recorremos sempre... As opções de estantes são muitas (cá em casa, para não variar, a maioria é Ikea, e temos uma recuperação em curso), mas há também outras ideias interessantes a reter, menos convencionais.
We love reading and we love books! Gradually we have been increasing our collection and feeling the need to have good solutions for its storage. Besides the main room for the books, in our case the office, we have spread some around the house, decoration ones in the living room, cooking books in the kitchen, sewing and creative ones in the studio, in the bedroom the ones we're reading in the moment and those we consult all the time... There are many shelving options (ours are mainly Ikea, as usual, and we have a recyling project in progress), but there are other interesting, less conventional, ideas you should take a look at.
We love reading and we love books! Gradually we have been increasing our collection and feeling the need to have good solutions for its storage. Besides the main room for the books, in our case the office, we have spread some around the house, decoration ones in the living room, cooking books in the kitchen, sewing and creative ones in the studio, in the bedroom the ones we're reading in the moment and those we consult all the time... There are many shelving options (ours are mainly Ikea, as usual, and we have a recyling project in progress), but there are other interesting, less conventional, ideas you should take a look at.
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