Elisabeth Dunker's (via Design*Sponge)

Hilda grahnat's (via Design*Sponge)

Living etc

Anne and Chris' (via Apartment Therapy)

Sarah Lov 's (via Apartment Therapy)

KML Design, photos by Kira Brandt

Country Living (via Piewacket)
Heidi and Lauren's (via Apartment Therapy)

Adoramos decoração retro! Talvez não a usássemos em look total, mas em apontamentos chave num fundo mais moderno, mas ainda assim adoro ver estas casas totalmente inspiradas nos anos 50 e 60. Fazem-me sentir uma certa nostalgia por um tempo que não vivi, mas que sempre me inspirou muito! Posso dizer que a nossa casa é 95% Ikea, e agora andamos à procura de mobília antiga e alguns objectos para dar um toque mais personalizado e completar o look. Algumas peças estão já à espera que eu as pinte, o que tenho andado a adiar por falta de tempo. Talvez estas imagens me inspirem a avançar com essa tarefa em breve...
We love retro decoration! Maybe we wouldn't use it in a total look, but as key notes in a modern background, but I still love to see these houses totally inspired by the 50's and 60's. They make me feel a certain nostalgia for a time I did not live, but that have always inspired me so much! I can say our home is 95% Ikea, and now we are looking for some old furniture and objects to complete the look and give a more personalized touch. Some pieces are already waiting for me to be painted, since I've been delaying it for lack of time. Perhaps these images will inspire me to go ahead with that task soon...
We love retro decoration! Maybe we wouldn't use it in a total look, but as key notes in a modern background, but I still love to see these houses totally inspired by the 50's and 60's. They make me feel a certain nostalgia for a time I did not live, but that have always inspired me so much! I can say our home is 95% Ikea, and now we are looking for some old furniture and objects to complete the look and give a more personalized touch. Some pieces are already waiting for me to be painted, since I've been delaying it for lack of time. Perhaps these images will inspire me to go ahead with that task soon...
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