Country Style
Country Living
Marie Claire Idées
Donna Hay (via Apartment Therapy)
Polly Wreford
Living etc
Joanna Henderson
House Doctor
Frances Janisch
Anna Williams
Amanda Mclauchlan
Já é altura de começar a pensar na decoração de Natal. Nos últimos anos temos fugido um pouco ao convencional e procurado soluções mais artesanais, mais orgânicas e sustentáveis. A tradicional árvore substituída por ramos secos, com enfeites feitos à mão com restos de feltro e outros materiais, as luzes em garrafas para dar ambiente, pequenas decorações espalhadas pela casa igualmente fabricadas por nós. Para este ano temos já algumas ideias, inspiradas em algumas destas propostas aqui apresentadas. Com um pormenor novo: à prova de gato!
It's time to start thinking about Christmas decoration. Last years we have avoided more conventional stuff and looked for more crafty, organic and sustainable solutions. Traditional tree was replaced by some dry branches, with handcrafted ornaments made from scratches of felt and other materials, lights were put inside bottles for a warm environment, small ornaments were made by us as well and scattered all over the house. For this year's decoration we have already got some ideas, inspired in some of the suggestions presented here. With a new detail: cat proof!
It's time to start thinking about Christmas decoration. Last years we have avoided more conventional stuff and looked for more crafty, organic and sustainable solutions. Traditional tree was replaced by some dry branches, with handcrafted ornaments made from scratches of felt and other materials, lights were put inside bottles for a warm environment, small ornaments were made by us as well and scattered all over the house. For this year's decoration we have already got some ideas, inspired in some of the suggestions presented here. With a new detail: cat proof!
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