Photo by Philip Ficks

vtwonen (via the style files)

Living etc

vt wonen

Hilda Grahnat

Valentin Leollmann (via Bloesem)

Tracery interiors (pinned by Poppytalk)

Vanessa's (via Apartment Therapy)

Living etc

Living etc

Jasna Janekovic (via sfgirlbybay)

Pensão A Favorita (via Apartment Therapy)
Durante a semana, tomamos o pequeno-almoço na cozinha, e ao fim-de-semana, na sala. Os almoços e jantares são feitos na sala, na mesa ou no sofá, e na varanda quando o tempo está bom. As zonas de refeição, para mim, devem ser alegres e cheias de luz natural, espaços acolhedores e livres de confusão. Gosto de apreciar a comida e relaxar enquanto o faço, nem que seja só por uns minutos, pois é muitas vezes a única altura, para além de quando durmo, em que páro realmente. Quando os meus horários e os do N. não coincidiam, os pequenos-almoços (a minha refeição favorita) eram quase sempre acompanhados de uma revista. Mas agora prefiro a companhia dele (e do Elffie) e ao fim-de-semana sim, costumamos ler com mais calma, muitas vezes a meias.
Estes espaços têm em comum a calma que me transmitem e poderia facilmente imaginar-me em qualquer um deles a tomar um belo pequeno-almoço, de preferência num primeiro dia de férias ;)
During the week, we have our breakfast in the kitchen, and on the weekends we have it in the dining room. Lunch and dinner are made in dining room's table or couch, sometimes in the balcony when the weather is good. In my opinion, dining areas should be happy places full of natural light, cozy and free of clutter. I like to relax and enjoy my meal, even if only for a few minutes, as it is often the only time, apart from when I'm sleeping, when I have a real break. When my schedule and N.'s did not match, my breakfast (my favorite meal) was almost always taken with the company of a magazine. Now I prefer his (and Elffie's) company and it's on the weekend that we try to catch up with reading (often shared) These spaces have in common the sensation of calm they give me and I could easily imagine myself in any one of them taking a nice breakfast, preferably in the first day of vacation ;)
Estes espaços têm em comum a calma que me transmitem e poderia facilmente imaginar-me em qualquer um deles a tomar um belo pequeno-almoço, de preferência num primeiro dia de férias ;)
During the week, we have our breakfast in the kitchen, and on the weekends we have it in the dining room. Lunch and dinner are made in dining room's table or couch, sometimes in the balcony when the weather is good. In my opinion, dining areas should be happy places full of natural light, cozy and free of clutter. I like to relax and enjoy my meal, even if only for a few minutes, as it is often the only time, apart from when I'm sleeping, when I have a real break. When my schedule and N.'s did not match, my breakfast (my favorite meal) was almost always taken with the company of a magazine. Now I prefer his (and Elffie's) company and it's on the weekend that we try to catch up with reading (often shared) These spaces have in common the sensation of calm they give me and I could easily imagine myself in any one of them taking a nice breakfast, preferably in the first day of vacation ;)
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