Adore Magazine

Ditte Isager


Sherwood Forlee & Mihoko Ouchi (via Apartment Therapy)

Joanna Henderson

the style files

Apartment Therapy (via Lovely Clusters pin)

James Robertson and David Rupiani (via Automatism)
Há alguns meses atrás encontrámos um par de molduras na rua, que não resistimos a trazer para casa, pois estavam em muito bom estado. A ideia era recuperá-las e dar-lhes uma nova cara, para as adaptar ao nosso estilo. A tarefa foi sendo adiada até que, finalmente, terminámos! Ficam mesmo bem por cima da mesa da sala, e podemos mudar a decoração sempre que nos apetecer! Por agora, estão cheias de espírito natalício!
Aqui ficam algumas ideias que nos inspiraram para este projecto. Nestes casos, a decoração gira em torno das molduras e da sua disposição, e não tanto do seu conteúdo, e resultaram mosaicos muito interessantes e fáceis de executar!
A few months ago we found a pair of frames in the street and we did not resist bringing them home, because they were in very good condition. The idea was to recover them and give them a new face adapted to our style. The task has been delayed until now we have finally finished! They look so good above our dining room table, and we can change the decor whenever we want! For now, they are full of Christmas spirit!
Here are some ideas that inspired us for this project. In these cases, decoration lives around the frames and their display, rather than their content, and the result are some mosaics very interesting and easy to make!
Aqui ficam algumas ideias que nos inspiraram para este projecto. Nestes casos, a decoração gira em torno das molduras e da sua disposição, e não tanto do seu conteúdo, e resultaram mosaicos muito interessantes e fáceis de executar!
A few months ago we found a pair of frames in the street and we did not resist bringing them home, because they were in very good condition. The idea was to recover them and give them a new face adapted to our style. The task has been delayed until now we have finally finished! They look so good above our dining room table, and we can change the decor whenever we want! For now, they are full of Christmas spirit!
Here are some ideas that inspired us for this project. In these cases, decoration lives around the frames and their display, rather than their content, and the result are some mosaics very interesting and easy to make!

Antes | Before

Depois | After
1 comment:
Gostei Mesmo das tuas novas molduras :)
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