As mais recentes arrumações no meu atelier resultaram num cantinho renovado, dedicado à inspiração. Pequenos objectos encontrados na natureza, por mim ou por amigos, de várias partes do mundo. Pratos antigos da minha mãe. Amostras de crochet feitas pela minha avó. Um suporte para tubos de ensaio comprado numa feira de velharias. Um postal oferecido por uma amiga, uma bola de Natal suspensa. Para me lembrar de sonhar.
The latest cleaning of my workspace resulted in a renovated corner dedicated to inspiration. Small objects found in nature, by me or by friends from different parts of the world. Vintage dishes from my mother. Crochet samples made by my grandma. A support for test tubes purchased at a flea market. A postcard from a friend, a hung Christmas ball. To remind me of dreaming.
The latest cleaning of my workspace resulted in a renovated corner dedicated to inspiration. Small objects found in nature, by me or by friends from different parts of the world. Vintage dishes from my mother. Crochet samples made by my grandma. A support for test tubes purchased at a flea market. A postcard from a friend, a hung Christmas ball. To remind me of dreaming.

1 comment:
Que lindo recanto!! :)
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