A nossa casa é alugada e, por isso, há alguns móveis que não escolhemos, como é o caso dos armários da cozinha e das casas-de-banho. Por isso, e para os adaptar mais ao nosso gosto, temos aos poucos mudado os puxadores, o que se revelou uma forma barata e divertida de personalizar estas divisões. Na cozinha, e por sugestão do N., comprámos 3 tipos de puxadores diferentes, que alternámos: dois conjuntos em preto-e-branco (aproveitando para dar o toque de preto-e-branco que pretendíamos na cozinha), e um roxo, para se destacar da mancha monocromática. Nas casas-de-banho substituímos os puxadores originais aborrecidos, em branco e prateado, por versões coloridas (castanho-escuro e bege na casa-de-banho em tons de preto-e-branco e verde, e vermelho na casa-de-banho em tons de cinza). A vantagem... é que podemos repôr tudo quando sairmos :)
Our house is rented, therefore we did not choose some of the furniture, such as the kitchen and bathrooms cabinets. In order to adapt them more to our taste, we have gradually replaced the knobs, which proved to be an inexpensive and fun way to personalize these rooms. In the kitchen, as suggested by N., we bought three different kinds of knobs. We chose two black& white sets, which was the shade we wanted for the kitchen, and another set in purple, to pop out from the monochromatic stain. In the bathrooms, we replaced the original boring white and silver knobs for colored versions (dark brown and beige for the black&white and green bathroom, and red for the gray one). The advantage ... we can replace them again when we leave :)
Our house is rented, therefore we did not choose some of the furniture, such as the kitchen and bathrooms cabinets. In order to adapt them more to our taste, we have gradually replaced the knobs, which proved to be an inexpensive and fun way to personalize these rooms. In the kitchen, as suggested by N., we bought three different kinds of knobs. We chose two black& white sets, which was the shade we wanted for the kitchen, and another set in purple, to pop out from the monochromatic stain. In the bathrooms, we replaced the original boring white and silver knobs for colored versions (dark brown and beige for the black&white and green bathroom, and red for the gray one). The advantage ... we can replace them again when we leave :)

In the kitchen

In the bathroom

In the other bathroom

The old ones
Some inspiration:

knack studio (via Decor8)

Kootut Murut (via sfgirlbybay)

Living etc

Bodie and Fou
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