A place for twiggs
20% das vendas até 31/3 serão doadas | 20% of all orders until March 31st will be donated

Europe for Charity ("happy girls" by ArtMind, via Fleur Fatale)
Peças doadas por várias lojas no Etsy | items donated by various etsy sellers

A little something, by Abby Powell
$8 de cada cópia vendida serão doados | $8 of each print will be donated

Help Japan, by Rob Dobi, via Bloesem
Todo o dinheiro das vendas será doado | all the money will be donated

Help Japan shop, by Hilda Grahnat
Todo o dinheiro das vendas será doado à Cruz Vermelha (acabei de comprar esta foto lindíssima) | all money will be donated to the Red Cross (I have just purchased the beautiful photo above)
Acredito que os pensamentos e corações de todos nós têm estado com o Japão nos últimos dias. O mundo handmade está a tentar ajudar, e algumas das minhas lojas favoritas estão a fazer donativos das suas vendas para ajudar as vítimas dos terramotos e tsunami. Dêem uma olhadela, e façam o vosso contributo, se puderem!
I believe all our thoughts hearts have been with Japan lately. Handmade world is trying to help, and some of my favorite shops are donating their profits to provide some relief to people affected by the earthquakes and tsunami. Take a look, and make your contribution if you can!
I believe all our thoughts hearts have been with Japan lately. Handmade world is trying to help, and some of my favorite shops are donating their profits to provide some relief to people affected by the earthquakes and tsunami. Take a look, and make your contribution if you can!
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