1 - Hilda Grahnat, 2 - Rowena Waack, 3 - Navina Lara Reus
4 - Caroline Drechsel, 5 - becky w
Gosto de sites que me fazem viajar e sentir o pulsar das cidades. inconnu //unknown é um colecção fantástica de fotografias de diversos locais do mundo, tiradas por diferentes fotógrafos. As de Berlim impressionaram-me especialmente, e fizeram-me querer (ainda mais) lá ir um dia...
I like sites that make me travel and feel the pulse of the cities. inconnu //unknown is an amazing collection of photographs of various places around the world, taken by different photographers. Berlim pictures have impressed me particularly and made me want (even more) to go there some day...
I like sites that make me travel and feel the pulse of the cities. inconnu //unknown is an amazing collection of photographs of various places around the world, taken by different photographers. Berlim pictures have impressed me particularly and made me want (even more) to go there some day...
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