Continuo à espera de algum material para terminar as primeiras malas de Primavera e, enquanto espero, vou acumulando peças inacabadas sobre a mesa. Oxalá cheguem depressa, que já sinto as malas fervilhar por uma vida!
P.S: Hoje salto o post do Spring Colours Week, a cor do dia é lavanda e tenho poucas fotos nesta cor.
I'm still waiting for some materials to finish the first Spring bags, and meanwhile I'm accumulating unfinished pieces on the table. Just hope they arrive soon, because I can feel bags yearn for a life!
P.S: Today I'll pass Spring Colours Week post, today's colour is lavender and I have few pictures on this one.
P.S: Hoje salto o post do Spring Colours Week, a cor do dia é lavanda e tenho poucas fotos nesta cor.
I'm still waiting for some materials to finish the first Spring bags, and meanwhile I'm accumulating unfinished pieces on the table. Just hope they arrive soon, because I can feel bags yearn for a life!
P.S: Today I'll pass Spring Colours Week post, today's colour is lavender and I have few pictures on this one.
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