Mais do que o trabalho artesanal inspirado nos elementos naturais, esta artista funde ambos literalmente, criando peças de arte que, para além da sua enorme beleza, são de um realismo impressionante, que me levaram a um primeiro pensamento do tipo "como é isto possível"? Na verdade, são esculturas baseadas em folhas, paus e pedras que ela vai encontrando pelo caminho, incrivelmente bem feitas e delicadas, enganando o primeiro olhar. Aconselho ainda uma visita à restante obra de Bauer, muito interessante!
More than handcraft work inspired on natural elements, this artist fuses both literally, creating pieces of art that, beyond their great beauty, are impressively realistic and led me to a first thought like "how did she make it possible?". In fact, these are sculptures based on leaves, sticks and pebbles that she finds in her walkabouts, incredible well crafted and delicate, easily fooling the first look. I recommend you visit the rest of Bauer's work, very interesting!
More than handcraft work inspired on natural elements, this artist fuses both literally, creating pieces of art that, beyond their great beauty, are impressively realistic and led me to a first thought like "how did she make it possible?". In fact, these are sculptures based on leaves, sticks and pebbles that she finds in her walkabouts, incredible well crafted and delicate, easily fooling the first look. I recommend you visit the rest of Bauer's work, very interesting!
(via Emma Lamb)
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