Há já bastante tempo que queria fazer um modelo de malas mais pequenas, para usar a tiracolo. A ideia surgiu desde que dei por mim e por algumas amigas a preferi-las para andar a pé, ao fim-de-semana, para descansar de todo o peso que transportamos diariamente durante a semana. Assim, nasceu este modelo de clutch com alça em cabedal, com espaço suficiente para uma carteira, umas chaves e até mesmo uma máquina fotográfica compacta, mas muito leve e prática. Esta é feita em algodão vermelho-violeta, com uma barra em tecido axadrezado, onde brinquei um pouco com motivos geométricos bordados.
Em breve haverá mais na Loja!
It's been a while since I've been wanting to design a model of smaller bags, to use across the shoulder. I got this idea when I realized that me and some friends would prefer them for walking on weekends, to rest from all the weight we carry everyday during the week. Thus, a new clucth was born, with a long leather strap, with space enough for a wallet, the keys and even a compact camera, but still very light and pratical. This one is on violet red cotton, and a checked fabric where I embroidered some geometric motifs for fun.
Soon there will be more in the Shop!
Em breve haverá mais na Loja!
It's been a while since I've been wanting to design a model of smaller bags, to use across the shoulder. I got this idea when I realized that me and some friends would prefer them for walking on weekends, to rest from all the weight we carry everyday during the week. Thus, a new clucth was born, with a long leather strap, with space enough for a wallet, the keys and even a compact camera, but still very light and pratical. This one is on violet red cotton, and a checked fabric where I embroidered some geometric motifs for fun.
Soon there will be more in the Shop!

Ref.: m136
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