vt wonen

vt wonen

BoligLiv (via Decor8)
Brenda and Harry's (via Apartment Therapy)

Elle Decor España (via Bliss)

Sköna hem (via Daily Dream Decor)

Wren handmade

Roland Persson

Boskke (via Bloesem)
É tempo de encher a casa de flores, de abrir as janelas e passar mais tempo do lado de fora, no jardim ou na varanda. De cores claras e tecidos leves. De sonhar com casas junto ao mar. Eis algumas inspirações que lembram e celebram o Verão...
It's time to fill the house with flowers, to open the windows and spend more time outdoors, in the garden or balcony. Of bright colors and light fabrics. Of dreaming of houses by the sea. Here are some inspirations that remind and celebrate Summer...
It's time to fill the house with flowers, to open the windows and spend more time outdoors, in the garden or balcony. Of bright colors and light fabrics. Of dreaming of houses by the sea. Here are some inspirations that remind and celebrate Summer...
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