Esta é daquelas lojas em que me apetecia comprar tudo! Adoro as combinações de cores e de materiais, o facto de muitos serem raros e resultarem em peças únicas, irrepetíveis. A autora por detrás chama-se Kim Dulaney e vive em Brooklyn, Nova York. Além da loja de joalharia, podem também visitar o blog, muito interessante e escrito em conjunto com Lindsey Mayer-Beug, ou as suas outras lojas, de t-shirts e de impressões, também da sua autoria.
This is one of those shops where I could buy everything! I love the combinations of colors and materials, and the fact that most of them are rare and make each piece one-of-a-kind and impossible to repeat. The author of these jewels is Kim Dulaney, from Brooklyn, NY. Besides the jewelry shop, you may also visit her blog, very interesting which she writes with Lindsey Mayer-Beug, and her other shops, one for t-shirts and another for her prints.
This is one of those shops where I could buy everything! I love the combinations of colors and materials, and the fact that most of them are rare and make each piece one-of-a-kind and impossible to repeat. The author of these jewels is Kim Dulaney, from Brooklyn, NY. Besides the jewelry shop, you may also visit her blog, very interesting which she writes with Lindsey Mayer-Beug, and her other shops, one for t-shirts and another for her prints.
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