Das férias trouxémos alguns objectos novos, outros velhos e outros encontrados na natureza. No atelier ficaram alguns ramos secos e pedras trazidos da praia e uma gaveta de um antigo móvel de mercearia, que encontrámos numa estranha loja de velharias. São pequenos pormenores como estes que vão compondo o espaço e tornando-o mais único e inspirador.
From our vacations we brought some new objects, some old and others found in nature. In the studio I put some dry branches and stones from the beach, and an old drawer that once belonged to a grocery cabinet, which we found in a strange brac shop. It's the little details, like these ones, that slowly make this space more unique and inspiring.
From our vacations we brought some new objects, some old and others found in nature. In the studio I put some dry branches and stones from the beach, and an old drawer that once belonged to a grocery cabinet, which we found in a strange brac shop. It's the little details, like these ones, that slowly make this space more unique and inspiring.
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