Aqui fica a minha homenagem à planta que alegra o meu atelier. As avencas são familiares dos fetos e são plantinhas sensíveis mas muito bonitas, quanto a mim. A mala é em fazenda verde e algodão khaki de lado, com o bordado em lã verde-água e cinza. Poderão encontrá-la à venda brevemente no Espaço Anthrop, em Coimbra!
Here is my tribute to the plant that brings joy to my studio. Maidenhair ferns are related to ferns and are very sensitive, but beautiful, plants, in my opinion. This bag is made of green wool cloth and khaki canvas sideways. You may find it for sale soon at Espaço Anthrop, in Coimbra!
Here is my tribute to the plant that brings joy to my studio. Maidenhair ferns are related to ferns and are very sensitive, but beautiful, plants, in my opinion. This bag is made of green wool cloth and khaki canvas sideways. You may find it for sale soon at Espaço Anthrop, in Coimbra!

Ref.: m150
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