No meu atelier tenho vários recipientes para os materiais pequenos. Alguns são muito especiais, como a bolsa para agulhas de tricot que era da minha avó (e que cresci a abrir para fazer malha com ela), a caixa de botões que a minha ama forrou para mim (e a rodilha foi feita pela mãe dela), as latinhas que a minha amiga J. me deu. Gosto de pensar que alguns destes objectos atravessaram gerações para vir parar ao universo Mundo Flo e, que de certa forma, influenciam o que crio, com toda a sua história!
In my studio I have several small containers for my materials. Some are very special, like my grandma's purse for knitting needles (and which I got used to open when I wanted to knit with her), the box for buttons that my nanny made for me (the cloth pad was made by her mother), the tiny cans my friend J. gave me. I like to think that some of these objects have crossed generations to get to Mundo Flo's universe and that, somehow, they have an influence on my creations, with all their history!
In my studio I have several small containers for my materials. Some are very special, like my grandma's purse for knitting needles (and which I got used to open when I wanted to knit with her), the box for buttons that my nanny made for me (the cloth pad was made by her mother), the tiny cans my friend J. gave me. I like to think that some of these objects have crossed generations to get to Mundo Flo's universe and that, somehow, they have an influence on my creations, with all their history!
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