É a última peça para a colecção Outono/Inverno 2011/12! De inspiração dunar, esta mala franzida é feita em tweed com padrão pied de poule preto-e-branco, com planta (cordeirinhos-da-praia, Otanthus maritimus) bordada a lã camel. Tem um bolso interior e pegas em cabedal preto. É das minhas favoritas! Espero que gostem, já está na Loja!
This is the last piece for Autumn/Winter 2011/12 Collection! Inspired on dunes, this shirred bag is made of black-and-white pied de poule tweed, with a plant (cottonweed, Otanthus maritimus) embroidered on camel wool. It has a pocket on the inside and black leather straps. This is one of my favorites! Hope you like it, it's available at the Shop!
This is the last piece for Autumn/Winter 2011/12 Collection! Inspired on dunes, this shirred bag is made of black-and-white pied de poule tweed, with a plant (cottonweed, Otanthus maritimus) embroidered on camel wool. It has a pocket on the inside and black leather straps. This is one of my favorites! Hope you like it, it's available at the Shop!

Ref.: m162
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