Estive a arrumar a estante das revistas e livros no atelier, e resolvi incorporar a minha caixa vintage com divisórias na estante Billy do Ikea, juntamente com a gaveta de mercearia e uma pequena gaveta de arquivo em madeira. Gosto da mistura do moderno com o antigo, e assim diminui o aspecto de confusão (esta é a única estante aberta que tenho)! Dediquei uma prateleira à minha colecção de livros de botânica, e outra as revistas antigas que me ofereceram e que ainda não tive tempo de explorar.
I've been organizing my stand of magazines and books in the studio, and decided to incorporate my vintage wooden slotted box in Ikea Billy bookshelf, along with the vintage grocery's drawer and a small wooden file drawer. I like mixing the modern with the old, and the visual decluttering (this is the only open stand I have)! I dedicated one shelf to my collection of botany books, and another to vintage magazines that were given to me and which I have not had time to explore yet.
I've been organizing my stand of magazines and books in the studio, and decided to incorporate my vintage wooden slotted box in Ikea Billy bookshelf, along with the vintage grocery's drawer and a small wooden file drawer. I like mixing the modern with the old, and the visual decluttering (this is the only open stand I have)! I dedicated one shelf to my collection of botany books, and another to vintage magazines that were given to me and which I have not had time to explore yet.
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