O meu segundo projecto para o curso "Beneath the Surface" é esta capa para notebook, que fiz para mim (o primeiro foi este). Usei um pedaço de algodão branco, dei-lhe várias camadas em tons de cinza, carimbei folhas em branco (com um carimbo que fiz a partir de uma borracha), e desenhei os ramos a caneta preta. Gosto do resultado um pouco caótico, gosto da mistura das várias camadas, e gosto muito do local para onde vou levar esta capa...
My second project for the class "Beneath the Surface" is this notebook cover I made for myself (this was the first one). I used a piece of white cotton, painted some layers in grey tones, stamped white leaves (with a stamp I carved myself from a rubber), and drew some branches with a black pen. I like the chaotic result, the way the layers blend, and really like the place where I'm taking this cover...

Ref.: el20
My second project for the class "Beneath the Surface" is this notebook cover I made for myself (this was the first one). I used a piece of white cotton, painted some layers in grey tones, stamped white leaves (with a stamp I carved myself from a rubber), and drew some branches with a black pen. I like the chaotic result, the way the layers blend, and really like the place where I'm taking this cover...

Ref.: el20
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