Este é o mais recente projecto acabado, uma clutch para uma amiga, em tweed ao xadrez preto-e-branco e fazenda preta. Estampei a fazenda com um carimbo feito por mim, deixando o padrão um pouco sumido propositadamente. Depois bordei algumas flores por cima.
This is my latest finished project, a clutch made for a friend, with a black and white checkered tweed and black wool cloth. I printed the cloth with a stamp handmade by me, leaving the pattern purposely vanished. Then I embroidered some flowers on top.
This is my latest finished project, a clutch made for a friend, with a black and white checkered tweed and black wool cloth. I printed the cloth with a stamp handmade by me, leaving the pattern purposely vanished. Then I embroidered some flowers on top.

Ref.: m165
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