
Raíz: a special slow stitched bookmark

"I’m increasingly convinced that the work of my hands is first and foremost an overflowing of the heart... It is one of the many ways I connect with my eldest and am learning to bond with my youngest." (Woollen Hearted

Este marcador de livros foi um projecto muito especial cheio de significado e de história. O N. tem uma pequena peça metálica de um rádio antigo que pertenceu aos seus avós, e pediu-me para tentar fazer um marcador de livros com ela, para ficar com uma recordação deles. Imaginei imediatamente este ponto de tear que iria, de alguma forma, envolvê-la e, por dentro, bordei a palavra "raíz", para o lembrar sempre de onde ele vem e o manter conectado à sua história. Não tive a oportunidade de conhecer o seu avô, mas tive a sorte de conhecer a avó que era uma senhora doce que me adoptou como neta desde o primeiro dia, numa altura em que eu já tinha perdido os meus avós. Por isso, foi igualmente especial para mim fazer este pequeno tesouro e honrá-la. Os têxteis têm esta particularidade de serem capazes de guardar e tecer memórias e intenções, ponto por ponto...


This bookmark was a special project full of history and meaning. N. had this tiny piece of metal that was part of an old radio which belonged to his grandparents, and he asked me to make something with it, as a keepsake of them. I immediately imagined this weaving stitch that somehow would envolve it, and inside I stitched the word "raíz", which means "root", so he can always remember where he comes from and keep connected to his history. I never had the chance to meet his grandfather, but was lucky enough to meet his grandmother who was a kind and sweet lady who adopted me as her granddaughter since the first day, in a time my grandparents were no longer with me. So it was equally special to me to be able to make this little treasure and honor her. Textiles have this particularity of being able to hold and weave memories and intentions, stitch by stitch...

Ref.: ml86

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