
About February

"For me, a year without a true winter never allows me to fall in love with the gift of the first crocus or the first songs of the bird with as much admiration. The thing snow gives us is multifold, but it reminds us of what life is like when we have space to dream up something completely different. Gives us space to dream and connect with ourselves. It contrasts with the abundance of beauty that awaits in the soil beneath us, so we better appreciate it and value what it gives. Whether you have snow or not, how are you creating a clean landscape in yourself to dream?"

(Megan Gilger, in "The Gift of the Storm", Through The Seasons)

Assim foi Fevereiro, que trouxe muita luz, flores e dias com cheiro a Primavera, mas que passaram muito rĂ¡pido!
So this was February, which brought so much light, flowers and days that smelled like spring but went by too fast! 

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