A partir de agora as novidades do Mundo Flo vão estar aqui anunciadas, de forma mais interactiva e regular, permitindo a ligação directa com outras plataformas (twitter, facebook, flickr) e também os vossos comentários e sugestões, sem que estes tenham de ser obrigatoriamente feitos através de email. A partir daqui é ainda possível aceder a todas as secções do site Mundo Flo, a partir da barra lateral, e a outros sítios onde também escrevo. Convido-vos a vir aqui espreitar as notícias, agenda de eventos, algumas ideias, fotografias e trabalhos personalizados mais recentes que não chegam a passar pela Loja.
Bem-vindos a este espaço!
From now on news from Mundo Flo will be posted here in a more interactive and regular way, allowing direct connection with other platforms (twitter, facebook, flickr) and also your comments and suggestions, without the need of making it via email. You can still access all sections of Mundo Flo website, through the sidebar, and other sites where I also write. I invite you to come here search for news, calendar of events, ideas, photos, and more recent custom orders that aren't posted at store.
Welcome to this place!
Bem-vindos a este espaço!
From now on news from Mundo Flo will be posted here in a more interactive and regular way, allowing direct connection with other platforms (twitter, facebook, flickr) and also your comments and suggestions, without the need of making it via email. You can still access all sections of Mundo Flo website, through the sidebar, and other sites where I also write. I invite you to come here search for news, calendar of events, ideas, photos, and more recent custom orders that aren't posted at store.
Welcome to this place!
1 comment:
encontrei.te ;))
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