Refs: el12, m58, p24, el05, bl56, cc05
No próximo Domingo comemora-se o início da Primavera, mas também o dia da Poesia, o Dia da Floresta e da Árvore (tantas coisas boas!). Não tenho palavras para descrever a minha paixão por árvores, mas é algo muito especial, que me transcende e que está presente no meu dia-a-dia e trabalho. Talvez pela ligação à terra, pela representação da Vida, do passar do tempo, pela persistência, mas sobretudo pela sua beleza imensa, pela sua poesia... Hoje é um bom dia para lembrar a importância destes seres vivos no planeta e nas nossas vidas, e por isso a homenagem que faço é dupla.
Next Sunday we celebrate the beginning of Spring, but also Poetry, Forestry and Tree Day (so many good things!). I have no words to describe my passion for trees, but it is something very special that transcends me and that is present in my daily life and work. Perhaps for their connection to earth, the representation of life, time passing, persistence, but mostly for their immense beauty, for their poetry ... Today is a good day to remember the value of these living beings on our planet and our lives, so my tribute is double.
one group
one blog
one post
one book
one project
Next Sunday we celebrate the beginning of Spring, but also Poetry, Forestry and Tree Day (so many good things!). I have no words to describe my passion for trees, but it is something very special that transcends me and that is present in my daily life and work. Perhaps for their connection to earth, the representation of life, time passing, persistence, but mostly for their immense beauty, for their poetry ... Today is a good day to remember the value of these living beings on our planet and our lives, so my tribute is double.
one group
one blog
one post
one book
one project
Nota: Os artigos aqui apresentados pertencem ao Arquivo e não estão disponíveis
Note: Items presented in this post belong to the Archive and are not available
1 comment:
peças lindas!!!
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