1 - Jane Heller, 2 - f2 images, 3 - elle moss
4 - labokoff, 5 - the light fantastic, 6 - Pretty petal studio
7 - isphotography, 8 - Amelia Kay Photography, 9 - strawberryskies
10 - bluecitrusart, 11 - Catherine Nunnaly, 12 - pamela klaffke photography
A minha paixão pela fotografia é enorme, e não podia deixar de dedicar um post ao trabalho de alguns fotógrafos independentes fantásticos! Deu-me especial prazer fazer este post porque tive de fazer uma das minhas coisas favoritas: ver fotografias! A selecção é que não foi fácil... Espero que gostem!
My passion for photography is huge, and I couldn't help dedicating a post to the work of some amazing indie photographers! It gave me particular pleasure to make this one because it involved doing one of my favorite things: look at photographs! The selection wasn't easy though... Hope you like it!
So lovely! Thank you so much for including me in this beautiful collection!
beautiful!!! and in such lovely company :)
Wow...all stunners! Honored to be included in such a talented group!
Emiko ;)
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