Estou a trabalhar na Colecção de Outono /Inverno, que irei lançar mais perto do final do mês. Entretanto, enquanto as novas malas não saem, actualizei a Loja com o relançamento de algumas malas de Outono, preços mais baixos nas últimas peças de Verão (só até ao final do mês) e mais postais. Vão passando e até breve!
I'm working on the Fall/Winter collection, which will be launched by the end of this month. Meanwhile, I've updated the Shop with some bags relisting, lower prices on the last batch of Summer bags (only by the end of this month) and more postcards. Keep passing by and see you soon!
I'm working on the Fall/Winter collection, which will be launched by the end of this month. Meanwhile, I've updated the Shop with some bags relisting, lower prices on the last batch of Summer bags (only by the end of this month) and more postcards. Keep passing by and see you soon!
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