1 - Belle Baby boutique, 2 - Out of Line, 3 - Big Bisous!
4 - soulfuse, 5 - Slight Clutter Photography, 6 - Sophinegiam
7 - kanokwalee, 8 - Sunday Factory, 9 - New Extrave
10 - JuliAni, 11 - fieryeyed 12 - bagatelles&co
13 - Little O., 14 - bungaloe, 15 - Beth Millner
Estas são as cores que me têm inspirado ultimamente. Algumas estão presentes na colecção em que tenho estado a trabalhar, como o azul noite, o bege, o chocolate, o cinza, o preto ou o rosa velho. Não me canso de as misturar e, todas juntas, parece que fazem parte de um todo, um Outono colorido, alegre e muito inspirado na natureza! Aqui ficam algumas propostas handmade para tornar os dias mais divertidos!
These are the colors that have inspired me lately. Some are also present in the collection I've been working on, like night blue, beige, chocolate, grey, black and old rose. I never get tired of mixing them and, all together, they seem to be part of a whole, a colored, happy Fall, very nature inspired! Here are some handmade suggestions to make these days a lot of fun!
These are the colors that have inspired me lately. Some are also present in the collection I've been working on, like night blue, beige, chocolate, grey, black and old rose. I never get tired of mixing them and, all together, they seem to be part of a whole, a colored, happy Fall, very nature inspired! Here are some handmade suggestions to make these days a lot of fun!
Looks wonderful!
Thank you so much for featuring my Mixed Metal Conifer Forest pendant on your blog! Great Collection!
Thank you so much for including my photo in this absolutely gorgeous, inspiring collection. I truly appreciate it!
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